Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kiddos Playing Outside

So here is our wagon in action once again :) This was early spring although with our weather it could be summertime as well. Wyatt our youngest seems to get every cold and flu I hear about. Thus the many icky nose pictures we have of him. The poor little guy doesn't seem to have as strong immune system as the rest of us. Well I use to only get sick once a year, but this year all of a sudden it feels like I am constantly sick.....ho hum. Noah wanted the picture of him and Wyatt together in black and there it is. We have fun together going through pics. I always let him pick out a few to change to black and white. As he says " The black and gray ones are my favorite."

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


My wonderful, beautiful mom! She is always willing to let me use her to practice photography. My mom has always been a huge support to us whenever we need her. Whether it be sports, hobbies, babysitting, or a friend she is always willing to be there. Thanks mom :)

My Little Men

These are from Wyatt's one year session. They are candid images of my boys being boys. Riverside is simply a beautiful place. The boys loves watching the water. It is so high and fast moving this year. Of course we take the wagon with us as often as possible. For some reason if the kiddos are a bit cranky pulling them in the wagon calms them down. I love the bottom pic. Noah is thrilled to get away with standing and Wyatt is roaring in the wind. Love it!

Happy Fathers Day

Dustin has gone back to Iraq. The kids and I miss him something terrible. There is no better father and there is no better husband for our family.......he is definitely the best. It is so adorable to watch our boys watch their dad and try to be like him. If they do grow up to be like him I would be so proud because then they would be godly men indeed.

Wyatt's 1st Birthday Party

I love my kids first birthday party! They have this look of what is this all about. Then they get excited when they get to have cake and presents. We always opt to buy our kids helium filled balloons for their first birthday gift. Balloons always end up being the favorite! Wyatt is one!! I can't believe how crazy fast his first year has flown by. We are so blessed with two adorable little men.

Wyatt turns 1

This past Tuesday we went to Riverside park to take Wyatt's one year photos. It went pretty terrible. He was very clingy and wold not be on the ground for more then a few minutes without going into a full meltdown. With the help of my mom we were able to get a few shots while he was not in tears or being held. I love you Wyatt my handsome little man!